søndag den 19. april 2009

Really angry!!

I kind of remembered that I had a blogspot here and thought it might be time for an update on it, and then keep it updated whenever I feel like it.

I'm finally getting used to life as a single girl, and I realise now, that I'll never love again...

The other day it felt like my heart had been ripped out, and that there was just an empty hole. It still feels that way, so I'm never falling in love again. Guys can't be trusted imo. They say whatever's needed to get what they want from you, and then they just throw you right in the trashcan when they're done... I'm really sick of it... and no, I'm not turning gay, I'm just staying away.

I've had too many bad experiences over the last half year to be able to believe in anything good. I even lost my faith in the Christian God, and I feel more and more Pagan as the days go by... How can a God you've been faithful to all your life just poor down shit on you whenever it suits him, and do so many evil things? I don't get it... So bye bye Christianity.

When it comes to guys.. Good riddance I'm rid of Klement.. Really... I mean.. I thought we were friends, but obviously we're not. I need to do stuff for him, but he's not doing shit for me at all. It pisses me off. How the hell could I waste 5½ years of my life with him... I mean much of it was fun, but seeing what an arse he is now, I'm glad it's over... and I regret being in a long term relationship at such a young age, coz I spoiled my chances of ever getting happily married and having kids.

Well.. some good things have happened.... Easter was fun! Easter was great really! I was at Krat's (Klavs') place at a lan with Runia (Kevin), Tveskæg (Jens) and Arinedé (Jimmy).... Just playing WoW and being drunk, and having lots of manabreaks! :) One night of drunkness led to something a bit stupid, that I don't want to publish about, but in the end we're all still friends, and will be going back to Krat's place this summer for more fun! :)
The greatest thing that happened durin Easter was the Týr concert in Copenhagen!! I got backstage with my third cousin Thormund and his gf... And I met the man of my dreams, Terji Skibenæs, and his beautiful gf.... So yeah... It was a brilliant Easter!

Thursday I'll be going to England/Ireland to see all the weird English ppl... Dazz, Dex, Dan, Jay and Jon... and maybe Jo, Mez, Scott and Shane...
But for now I just spend my time working and talking to Seishuu (Kristian) while playing WoW....
Mostly, because I love my new guild... Purgamentum<3

But... I SO need to get my hunter levelled....
- Elle signing off for now. *Komi hvat koma má, lat so fara alt*

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